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Misc Notes for WGLib 1.01
It is finally here, GLib for Windows! Converting code from DOS GLib
to VB and the WIN API was quite time consuming if not quite a chore.
In some ways, the WIN API makes such things easier, and some aspects
are harder. Debugging a DLL can be a real chore. But the initial
release is done, and now available. Almost everything you've come to
know and love in GLib has been ported to VB, the only obvious things
missing are those that have no business in a WIN application: screen
saves and restores, quick prints and the like.
Along the way, we discovered a number of things that we would have liked
to have gone back and added, but that would have delayed this release.
We have already started a list of "wanna be's" for the next version
which I would expect to be out early next year. If you have an idea for
a custom control, drop us a line to let us know and we'll see what we
can do.
The WGLibDemo program is not nearly as robust as the one for the DOS
version, but the latter was not all that beefy in it's first appearance
either. As time goes on it will likely 'grow', but to spend time on it
now would also slow down the general release. As is, it does a decent
job of displaying some of the effects that you can add to VB forms and
controls, how you can alter the performance of standard controls as well
as demonstrating some of the routines in WGLib.
As for installing the files, the demo forms and DLL should be placed in
directories as follows: put WGLIB.DLL into your VB directory - whatever
you have named it. The rest of the files should be placed into a child
of that, preferably named \VB\WINGLIB or \VB\ISOFT. Then to start or
run it from VB, simply OPEN PROJECT and select WGLIBDEM.MAK.
It is important that you DO NOT name the demo directory 'WGLIB'. If you
do, you will likely get various load errors each time you try to reload
the demo's .MAK file. For instance, trying to load wglibdem.mak from
the 'C:\VB\WGLIB\DEMO' dir with WGLIB.DLL in the VB directory will
result in a number of load errors. The reason is that even when the
project is saved, VB does save the fully qualified pathname of the
DLL but will incorrectly interpet it when read back. For example, the
above path can yield the error "cannot find DLL" - with the text WGLIB
in the path and DLL name, VB tries to load VB\WGLIB\.DLL rather than
The BBS/Trial DLL is the same as the full fledged registered one,
except: it will only operate in the VB environment - it will not act
as a support DLL at runtime, it will only load if the project AppTitle
is WGLibDemo, and it 'nags' when loaded.
To try out the DLL design controls, simply load WGLIBDEM.MAK and add
your own forms and controls or modify the ones provided. If you want to
try it out on a new project, you can do so just as long as you name it
WGLIBDEMO (this is the AppTitle property in the MAKE EXE window). Once
the AppTitle is properly named, you can use ADD FILE to add WGLIB.DLL to
the project to make the custom controls available. You can use WGLib
1.01 in this fashion for as long as you like.
For purposes of personal enrichment and education in regards to Windows
and VB, this is very generous - you get a high power DLL for the price
of a phone call. For purposes of evaluation, it is equally generous in
that it allows you to try out WGLib routines and custom controls to see
if they fit your specific needs.
The enclosed registration mailer lists only WGLib and omits all the
other DOS version QB/QBX add ons and tool kits we publish to make clear
that the introductory price does expire October 1, 1992. Mailers
postmarked after that date will be returned with a new mailer listing
the current, regular price.
The reason for this low introductory price is that migrating to Windows
can be expensive for everyone: aside from Win 3.1 and VB, you likely
also bought DOS 5.0, maybe an add on memory manager like 386Max or QEMM,
and then many people either have to add memory to get acceptable
performance or buy a new machine. No matter how far into that list you
went, it costs money to get serious with Windows and we recognize that.
A complete list of what comes with registeration:
WGLIB101.WRI - Docs in WRITE format
WGLIB.HLP - Cross referenced help data file for WIN Help
(most of the commercial Libs do not have this yet!)
WGLIB101.BAS - A set of VB routines to make WGlib even easier
and conserve VB resources
WGLIB.DLL - Design time DLL for your use
WGLIBR.DLL - Runtime DLL for you to distribute with your
WGLIBQRF - A fast quick reference guide to the usage and
declaration syntax for all WGLib routines.
WGLIBGLO.BAS - Complete set of declarations for all WGLib 101
LAUNCHVB - A fast and easy way to start up VB, and load
WGLib for immediate use.
WGLibDemo - The compiled demo and complete source code.
WSetup - An automated setup program to place all these
files in their proper location, create a Program
Manager WGLIB group and group items.
SysGauge - An Iconic program that monitors system resources.